Two years ago today, I was full of excitement and more than a little scared as I waited on the birth of my son William Tell.
In the past two years, my perspective has changed, I have matured, and how I feel about the role of parents in society is no longer theoretical.
Without a doubt in my mind, my son has made me a better person – I am not as selfish, I think before I act (more often).
All children are gifts, and each one has some unique talent or special gift, and as a parent I feel that it is my sacred duty to prepare my child to use his gifts in a way that not only make the world a better place, but also to train him to become a better person for the world.
The world my son will navigate is unrecognizable from the world I grew up in. The concepts of personal responsibility, self-reliance, and rugged individualism are dying.
The products of our schools are more confident, yet less competent that at any time in our Nation’s history.
I am deeply concerned about the future of our Republic, and am concerned that there may not be any strong leaders in the wings to step up and defend our inalienable rights.
There has never been a time in our country that a parent teaching their child the ideals that our country was founded on was more at odds with the society and systems in place in this country.
Soon, it may be considered abuse for a parent to raise a child to believe in conservative, Christian values.
I struggle with how to teach my child how to survive in the socialist system that is being created in this country with the help of a well-intentioned, but naïve and selfish citizenry.
How do I, as a father – teach my child how to navigate that system, and yet stay true to my firmly held beliefs in God and the Republic?
How do I teach him how to respect the law, any yet deal with a system where laws are used as tools to subjugate the lawful and protect the lawless?
Where education is considered worthless and common sense is dead, but the common man cannot figure out how to do anything for themselves.
I don’t know the answer, but I do know that I cannot fail at this.
My son is too precious, too valuable, and too special to allow him to grow into the type of adult that decayed civilization produces.
By doing the research that allows me to post the information I do, by practicing all the varied and seemingly unconnected skills I try to acquire, and by networking with the types of people that read posts like this, I am doing my best to become the kind of person that has a solution for these problems.
I know that today, on the start of my son’s second year of life, – as well as every other day of his life I am doing something toward that goal. No matter what happens, I will always love my son, and work to both model the right behaviors, provide the right guidance, and teach the right knowledge, skills, and attitudes, so that he can grow up to become a Man someday.
Happy Birthday William Tell…. (and remember to thank your momma – she loves you too!)