I am a bit of a nerd, I like math, and find it useful, unfortunately I am not all that good at it – in school I was labeled gifted/learning disabled which meant I was in advanced courses for some subjects and the special education classroom for math – which translated to “he must be […]
Month: December 2015
Gear Review: Valley Food Storage White Bean Chili
Valley food storage is a great company. They have a very high quality product as well the ability to buy storage foods À la carte or as part of a program. You can buy their good tasting food storage foods (suitable for everyday eating also) in set ups like one week or one month […]
Recipe: Whomp Biscuit Pizza
Whomp Biscuit Pizza is an easy recipe for those nights when you don’t want to cook and the kids are hungry. It is based on canned biscuits that you “whomp” up against the counter top to open. Making Whomp Biscuit Pizza is Simple: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit Open the canned biscuits and […]
Quick and Dirty Transformer Design and Construction
Quick and Dirty Transformer Design and Construction is a small book of48 pages. Basically it reprints two articles for transformer builders: 1. Design and Building Transformers, Technical Service Bureau Bulletin D-111, 1938, second edition. 2. Induction Coils by Charles Underhill, extracted from Standard Handbook For Electrical Engineers, 1922. Basic understanding of transformer design is a […]
How to Adjust Front Sight Windage on a CETME
I have done a lot of articles using my CETME rifle. For the longest time I could not figure out how to adjust Windage. Luckily I finally got smart enough to use the internet and quickly found out that the front sight covers both Windage AND Elevation. That blew my mind…. After reading a […]