#python Many preppers focus on old skills like bushcraft and homesteading, but don’t forget to realize that we also live in a technology filled world. Having the ability to code can come in handy. Python (from monty python) is a first programming language for many. It is easy to learn, easy to read, and there […]
Year: 2016
Wifi Extender Review
#WifiExtender When I got the chance to review this wifi extender – repeater/signal booster I said yes. I use the internet almost 24-7 I use it for research, for my work, and for entertainment. With my son using a e-reader, my wife an i-pad and laptop, and my using the my phone and computer at […]
Water Test Strips Review
#HealthyWiser Being able to test water is important. Being able to boil water only kills bacteria, it does nothting for chemical impurities. This means you need to be able to test for them. The water test strips I am using in the video test for 9 indicators of impure water. I can detect bacteria […]
How to Make a DIY Airlift Mud Pump
I decided to make an experimental airlift mud pump to clean out my old pond. I have a spring fed pond that has been abandoned and allowed to silt over. Brush has grown around it and clogged it with rotting leaves. It has gotten to the point that in sections the silt is so […]
Folding Shovel with Firestarter Review
This is a pretty cool little folding shovel from survivalhax.com. This site contacted me the other day and asked if they could send me a tool to review. I said sure because you can never have too many tools to review. The second it came in the mail my 4 year old so had it […]