Shooting: Firing from Behind a Barricade

Firing from behind a barricade is an essential part of combat marksmanship. It is a relatively straightforward skill and easily acquired. As all shooting techniques, however, mastery only comes from extensive practice. Contrary to what is seen on movies, most shooting incidents do not happen at high noon on Main Street. Common sense dictates that […]

The Myriad Uses of Concrete in Homesteading

Homesteading puts us in a constant state of learning new skills, especially in the early years. One thing you’ll want to become comfortable with as soon as possible is working with concrete, because there plenty of ways we can use concrete in homesteading. Concrete Is the Ultimate Building Material Composed of Portland cement, crushed rock and […]

The More You Know the Less You Carry   I got my start with bushcraft as a child living on a state park.  The man in the video above is Mors Kochanski who is a internationally known bushcrafter. He popularized the idea of the more you know the less you carry.  I am sharing this video to explain a very important concept […]