Understanding the Use of Handguns for Self-Defense

Understanding the Use of Handguns for Self-Defense was written as a text for a new shooter class.  I wrote it from the perspective of someone that wasn’t quite sure they wanted a gun, but yet they feel unsafe.

When I was teaching handgun carry permits (I now focus on permit instructor courses), I had quite a few single ladies and couples come to the class that were not comfortable around guns. I understand this, it is a powerful subject, which is why this book was written as an easy to read textbook for those looking into getting a self defense handgun.

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Understanding the Use of Handguns for Self-DefenseUnderstanding the Use of Handguns for Self-Defense is a priceless education for new handgun owners. An important refresher for experienced carriers.

If you own-or are considering owning-a handgun, this book is a must, covering:

  • Tips for selecting the right gun for you
  • An exploration of shooting techniques
  • Guidance on developing an “armed” mindset
  • A realistic look at what happens in a gunfight
  • Crucial advice for dealing with law enforcement
  • Suggestions for dealing with anti-gun sentiment

You are probably asking, why another gun book?

It’s not like there aren’t enough people selling books, magazines, videos, or courses on shooting,. Moreover, the Internet is busting at the seams with websites devoted to the gun. I have noticed that too many times ego gets in the way of instruction.

I wrote this book to help cut through the ego and static. It was written from the perspective of someone that wasn’t quite sure they wanted a gun, but yet they feel unsafe.

When I was teaching handgun carry permits (I now focus on permit instructor courses), I had quite a few single ladies and couples come to the class that were not comfortable around guns. I understand this, it is a powerful subject, which is why this book was written as an easy to read textbook for those looking into getting a self defense handgun.

Author Note

This was my first book, as a long time firearm instructor, I wanted to write a book that answered common questions new shooters ask.

It is designed to help a person decide if they want a handgun, what kind of handgun they need, and the basics of both shooting it and using it for self defense.

The information found within form the basis of any basic firearm course and will definitely give a new shooter the proper start.

I really did not intend for this book to get me into becoming an author.  I wrote it as a manual for the courses I taught. Basically something people could use to see if they wanted to buy and carry a handgun.

Let’s face it owning and using a DEFENSIVE firearm is not for everyone. It takes a special type of person to stay in the required mellow yellow mindset while in public carrying a firearm.

This book was revised and rereleased by Skyhorse Publishing as Handguns for Self Defense.


This version had its rights reverted so it could be updated and sold to a new publisher; therefore when the last copy sells, it will be out of print.


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