Plumbing emergencies are among the most expensive sources of headaches that homeowners have to deal with. Too many homeowners have discovered, first hand, what it’s like to fork out thousands of dollars to repair the damages caused by these disasters. And in many cases, prevention could have played a huge role. Here are a few […]
Category: How To (How I Did)
You could call this a How To – but people often tell me I did it wrong – now to be fair you can’t really tell me I can’t do it that way, when the video shows I actually DID do it that way – so to cool down the hateraide – lets just call this HOW I DID
The Myriad Uses of Concrete in Homesteading
Homesteading puts us in a constant state of learning new skills, especially in the early years. One thing you’ll want to become comfortable with as soon as possible is working with concrete, because there plenty of ways we can use concrete in homesteading. Concrete Is the Ultimate Building Material Composed of Portland cement, crushed rock and […]
How to Make a Cheap Frame Loom
Now that I have some homemade yarn I need to do something with it. I cannot knit. However, I have made a loom before, but it was small and not very useful. Today’s post is a much larger DIY frame loom. I enjoy using a drop spindle. Spinning is something I do that relaxes […]
How to Use a Drop Spindle
Learning how to use a drop spindle has been on my “list” for several years. Probably longer than my boy has been alive. However, textile arts don’t seem to be a good fit on a gun guys blog. I am more than just a gun guy. Besides, I like having socks with no holes and […]
How to Build a Computer With Your Kid Using Kano and a Raspberry Pi
This article shows how to build a computer with your kid using the Kano OS and a Raspberry Pi. The kit cost $70.00. However, if you have a USB wall charger and a HDMI cable you don’t need the kit. You can do the same basic thing for the cost of the chip alone […]