Stationary gas monitors play a critical role in ensuring safety across various industries. These devices help detect potential hazardous gas leaks and protect equipment, facilities, and people’s health from harm. Learn the best practices for installing a stationary gas detector to mitigate risks and save lives. Choose the Right Gas Device There are several types […]
Category: How To (How I Did)
You could call this a How To – but people often tell me I did it wrong – now to be fair you can’t really tell me I can’t do it that way, when the video shows I actually DID do it that way – so to cool down the hateraide – lets just call this HOW I DID
Tips To Keep Your Garden Equipment Safe in Winter
It’s no secret that winter can be tough on your garden equipment, especially without proper maintenance and storage. The biting cold, wet weather, and risk of frost can seriously damage the tools you rely on to keep your garden looking its best. There are plenty of ways to protect your gardening tools and equipment from […]
4 Ways To Improve Your Next Hunting Trip
Have your last few hunting expeditions left you with disappointing results? Below, we’ve got some ways to improve your next hunting trip, from the vehicle you drive to the gear you use. Research the Terrain and Conditions It’s not enough to know the wildlife and your equipment; a good hunter should also thoroughly understand the […]
5 Signs That Your Vintage Jeep’s Transmission Is Bad
Owning a vintage Jeep is an adventure that will provide unforgettable moments. These vehicles have a unique charm that modern cars often lack because their creation had a historical purpose that helped bring about certain vehicle developments. Just like any other mechanical machine, there comes a time when various Jeep components might show signs of […]
4 Tips for Properly Cleaning Your Golf Cart
Cleaning a golf cart isn’t entirely unlike cleaning a car. You want to be in the right area, have the right materials, and do things properly. Here are Ben Nelson’s four tips for properly cleaning your golf cart to ensure that everything goes well and that you don’t deal with some of the common hassles. […]