PRN Episode #27 Interview Survival Punk

PRN Episode #27 Interview Survival Punk

Survival Punk is a blog created by James Burnette. James takes a rational, creative approach to self-reliance, applying a punk DIY ethic to survivalism without any of the fear mongering or “tinfoil hattery” found in some other areas of the survivalist movement. The Survival Punk blog covers a huge range of his projects, both success […]

PRN Episode #24 Interview Glen Meador

PRN Episode #24 Interview Glen Meador

Last week’s show was about the basics.  This week we will talk about water purification with one of the most knowledgeable subject matter experts in the business. Glen Meador is the inventor of the Survival Still.  He comes from a family that runs one of the best water distillation companies in the world.  Their products […]