The More You Know the Less You Carry   I got my start with bushcraft as a child living on a state park.  The man in the video above is Mors Kochanski who is a internationally known bushcrafter. He popularized the idea of the more you know the less you carry.  I am sharing this video to explain a very important concept […]

5 Tips to Be Successful in Crossbow Hunting

If the unthinkable ever happens, you are going to need to figure out how to hunt for your food. Those bullets you have will eventually disappear and you’ll need to rely on sheer stealth instead. Crossbow hunting is your best option and a valuable skill that any survivalist should know. Load Your Crossbow with Care […]

Survival Skills: 7 Ways to Find Water in the Wild

Only a very few people can survive the wild these days without the modern convenience, such as electricity and electronic gadgets, mobile devices. Although some can still survive without this modern equipment, nobody can survive without water. Needless to say, water is highly essential for survival. Yes, you can package some water along with you […]

Learning Survival from Books

Learning Survival from Books: 6 Best Books to Start

Are you making your first steps in the world of survivalism? If so, learning survival from books in the very beginning makes a lot of sense. Books are essential to proper training.  The knowledge within them can guide your personal experiences and prevent mistakes. Nothing beats practical experience with a good instructor, but that is […]