Clint Smith on Firearm Safety
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Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms.  He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.

I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches.  When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.

I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos.  Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos.  (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)

It Is a Lifestyle

Knowing the firearm safety rules is essential for the anyone involved with firearms.  This can be a subject that is dry and unexciting because it is covered so often.  I sometimes wish it stays dry and unexciting because that means there are no negligent discharges.  However, Clint Smith can talk about firearm safety in a manner that is both informative and interesting.

It is my hope that at some point in the future my instructional ability grows to the point that Clint Smith has reached.  I love his wit and the very descriptive way he illuminates a subject.