Book Review: Combat Leaders Field Guide
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A guide to small unit dismounted combat operations, extensively updated to include both the latest doctrine and lessons learned from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

  • The Combat Leaders Field Guide covers the equipment, operations, and individual combat skills essential for soldiers and others who must act as infantry.
  • This book is essential for Army infantry leaders at the platoon and company level, Special Forces troops, Air Force security and patrol services, Marines, and other Army branches who operate as infantry when needed.
  • The basic skills all soldiers must know to prevail on the battlefield, including battle drills for offense and defense operations, patrols, construction and emplacement of fighting positions, use of weapons and artillery, mines and explosives, land navigation and map reading, communications, individual security and camouflage, and combat medicine (first aid).
 The Combat Leaders Field Guide, is, in my opinion is a must have for all those that are preparedness minded.  It shows a lot of techniques and skills that are unavailable unless you have earned the knowledge through a stint serving in the military.
I think this book is an indispensable addition to a prepper library as it is a good way to learn basic patrolling and other military techniques that would be essential to defending a fixed site like a farm or retreat.