How to Make a Cheaper KeySmart USB Drive

How to Make a Cheaper KeySmart USB Drive
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As I wrote in an earlier article, I really like the KeySmart key system, but being a trainer, I also have a need to carry a thumb drive of my presentations.  Luckily there is a Keysmart USB drive.

However, this solution is really expensive.  They have a huge markup on the flat USB drive and the adapter that allows it to fit senselessly into the KeySmart.

Their system uses a Kingston Digital DataTraveler SE9 64GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive.  I really like these small drives.

How to Make a Cheaper KeySmart USB Drive
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They run about $15.00 on Amazon.  The adapter costs nearly $10.00.

I found that a simple rubber bushing from the hardware store costs less than $1.00.

I just took my USB to Lowes and compared the bushings until I found one that fit.  This is a simplie thing to do, and it makes work so much easier.
