Mason Jar Lasagna - Awesome Meal Prep

52 Unique Techniques for Stocking Food for PrepperThis mason jar lasagna is not a food storage or canning recipe.  It uses mason jars for meal prep convenience, NOT long term storage.  This is like my mason jar salad recipe, something easy to make ahead of time that you can eat in a hurry or at work.

Secondly, this is not a recipe.  It is a technique.  Neither this article, nor the attached video will show you how to make lasagna. If your ready to start experimenting with cooking in jars and such you should already have a favorite lasagna recipe. (if not here is a simple lasagna recipe from simply recipes.)

Like all lasagna recipes, start assembling by pouring a spoonful or two of sauce on the bottom of your jar to prevent the pasta noodles from burning and sticking.

Then use a ring from one of your jars to but 4 circles of noodle per jar of lasagna.

Assemble your lasagna recipe from the bottom up.  Sauce, noodle circle, mix, cheese, noodle…. You get the point.

Make sure to leave some space between the top of your pasta and the rim of the jar.  The lasagna will bubble and you don’t want any food to reach the lid while it is baking.


Even though this mason jar lasagna is not a canning recipe, follow all canning safety precautions.

Ensure all your jars, rings, and lids are clean and sterile before you start.

Whip the rims clean of food after assembling your pasta.

Tighten ring firmly on the jar and then back off just a bit to allow expansion.

Once you have finished, bake the jars at 350 °F for 35-45 minutes depending on size of jars and your preference.

To eat, simply remove the metal ring and lid and microwave for a minute or two.