PRN Episode #11 Interview Scott Hunt
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In today’s Shepherd School episode, David interviews Scott Hunt (a.k.a. Engineer775) Founder of Practical Preppers.  Scott is one of my favorite You-Tubers, but he is much more than that.  He has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, and over a decade of experience in cattle operations as well as well as all manner of infrastructure creation geared toward sustainable living and disaster preparedness.

In this episode Scott Hunt and I talk about water.  Specifically, why the traditional 1 gallon per person per day is nowhere near enough, how to get water, why skills are every bit as important as stuff, his new practical prepper pharmacy interest, and, something that was a great treat for me – he talks about gasification, something that I have a real interest in.

I am taking his ideas and video on spring boxes to try to make my own to develop a spring on my land.

I highly encourage you to visit both his YouTube channel at, as well as his website

The show is scheduled for Monday at 10pm central time at this link.

If you cannot listen on Monday, you can always download the podcast for listening at your own leisure.