When I found that someone was building a new training range that happened to be on my daily commute route I had to check it out. Lickily Regal Rage was pretty receptive to letting me visit during their construction.
Its pretty cool that someone decided that an old movie theatre would make a great gun range, and actually did it. I have long felt that golf courses and movie theateres were both misappropriated gun ranges.
Regal range was build for training, they decided early on that firearm instruction would be their main focus and everything else would support that. Of course they sell guns and ammo, and they have a great gunsmith, but they have one of the best firearm instructors in the area as their lead trainer.
They have a simunitions room, a private training range, a great classroom, as well as an indoor archery range (with stands), and a huge tactical range that you can shoot up to and including .50 bmg.
As a matter of fact, they have a full auto M2 .50 caliber machine gun that you can rent and shoot on their range until the cordite addiction is fulfilled.
Talking with their general manager was a pleasure, and I am excited to see if their plans pan out because if they accomplish all they plan then this will be a great addition to the firearms training community in the Middle TN area.