Screen House
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Since the land has little shade and lots of bugs, I have been looking for a shade canopy with big screen.  This RORAIMA Screen House measuring 13’x9’x6.9 does the trick.

It is easy to set up, lightweight, and is very roomy.  Without instructions, I set it up in just a few minutes – it actually tool me longer to unpack it then to set it up.  It is pretty intuitive, and a lot like a dome tent.

The top is 3 shock corded poles, 2 longer, and 1 shorter.  the long poles go corner to corner and fit into a plastic sleeve that also attached to a larger diameter corner pole.

As I said, this is a very roomy bug proof shade canopy, and I look to get a lot of use out of it this summer working at the land. It is a well designed Screen House, and is well worth the money.

I hope I can use it over my sawmill trailer, as it gets crazy hot working on logs without any shade, but it will probably require modification, and with the sawdust, its probably not a good idea.

No matter if I use this while I cut logs, or just to provide shade for breaks, I know that at 89 dollars it is a good deal. Besides, if having a shade house at the land makes work more comfortable, I know that my wife is more likely to come help. I know I am getting tired of a single out of shape guy doing two man jobs out there.