21 Days to Basic Preparedness

21 Days to Basic Preparedness takes all the time, guesswork, and potential mistakes new preppers could run into out of the picture. This book brings together state of the art emergency management concepts with tried and true prepper techniques.

The author is both a certified emergency manager with 12 years experience working in state level disaster preparedness and response as well as a member of the prepper community. As a matter of fact David had the third highest prepper score on the Nat Geo show Doomsday preppers as well as worked more than 20 Presidentially declared disasters.

Available on Amazon as:

Paperback, Audible Audiobook, and as a Kindle Unlimited Title


21 Days to Basic PreparednessThere is a lot of information available for those starting to learn to prepare for disaster. It can be intimidating, and confusing.
21 Days to Basic Preparedness is written by a known preparedness expert.

If you’re like most new “preppers” out there, you’ve probably found yourself spending too much time and money looking at what you’re afraid or spending money to get comforting thoughts.
You might have even opened up your wallet and thrown money at the problem or went overboard with time.
It doesn’t have to be that way.

21 Days to Basic Preparedness takes all the time, guesswork, and potential mistakes new preppers could run into out of the picture. This book brings together state of the art emergency management concepts with tried and true prepper techniques.

The author is a certified emergency manager with 12 years experience working in state level disaster preparedness and response.  Additionally he is as a member of the prepper community. Not only does he have the third highest prepper score on the Nat Geo show Doomsday preppers, he also has worked more than 20 Presidentially declared disasters.

Finally, in this book David brings together state of the art emergency management concepts with tried and true prepper techniques in a way that can quickly and cheaply begin a families preparedness journey.

Author Note:

Prepping can get overwhelming; I remember when I started.  I felt like there was so much to do, I did not know where to start.

Luckily, I had help. I want to return the favor by helping others.  I use what I learned in a lifetime of personal preparedness and merged it with the science of governmental emergency management to create a document that will help a family get prepared for disasters quickly, cheaply, effectively, and without undue stress.

Audiobook Introduction


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