Basic Survival: A Beginner’s Guide is a book on basic preparedness. It covers a wide range of emergency skills and actions needed to survive. It includes basic first aid, emergency preparedness, disaster response skills and much, much more.
Many people are concerned by natural disasters, global conflict, and political unrest. The smart ones want to do something about it. Unfortunately, increased awareness about disaster preparedness has caused an information overload. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available. Basic Survival helps readers dig out from under the avalanche of preparedness information. It dispels myths, introduces concepts, and teaches the basics of how to start preparing for disaster. Author David Nash, a lifelong prepper and the author of 52 Prepper Projects and The Prepper’s Guide to Foraging outlines an all-hazards approach to disaster management similar to the ones used by the military and federal and state governments. Nash has over ten years of experience in government emergency management. The author was a planner, a first responder, and an emergency operations center manager.
Basic Survival is a great resource that presents a strong foundation for being prepared when an emergency hits.
Getting prepared for an emergency is confusing. It can get overwhelming. If you’re like most new “preppers” out there, you’ve probably found yourself spending too much time and money looking at what you’re afraid or spending money to get comforting thoughts.
You might have even opened up your wallet and thrown money at the problem or went overboard with time.
There is a lot of information available on disaster preparedness as people become more aware of the conflicts and natural disasters present in our world. Informational overload can cause paralysis by over analysis, or a “why bother, we are just going to die anyway” Mentality. This does not have to happen to you.
You can learn simple things to help you become better prepared for disasters of all kinds. This book brings together state of the art emergency management concepts with tried and true prepper techniques.
This book combines the author’s 12 years working in state level disaster preparedness and response and is the basis of his actions used in 20 over Presidentially declared natural disasters.As well as his experiences from a lifetime of personal preparedness activitiesIt can help you and you family become ready to deal with whatever life throws at you.
Author Note:
Basic Survival: A Beginner’s Guide is my first Hardback, and the pictures make me feel like its a coffee table book, but when I wrote it I included all the basics I learned starting out as a prepper.
Don’t let the name fool you, this is not a wilderness survival handbook – it is a surviving emergencies handbook. I hope that my editor will let me change the name during the next reprint so that people have a better idea what this book is actually about. (Which is why you should buy it now – so you can have a collector’s item.)
I believe in an all hazards approach to survival. If you knew what kind of disaster would kill you a smart thing to do would just be to avoid that type of disaster. Additionally, since no one knows what might happen to them, a smart person prepares to deal with all kinds of issues.
In conclusion, I take academic theory learned during my education as an Emergency Management Planner. Then I add common sense skills learned by life as a prepper to bring you this book.
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