New Instructor Survival Guide

Anyone can find a certification course and spend a few hundred dollars and a weekend and become a certified instructor. But it will not prepare you to teach or to run a business teaching.
In part 1 of this book, the Mechanics of Instruction for Adult Learners, you’ll learn exactly how to teach a firearms training course. You learn what to teach, when to teach it, and how to teach it effectively.

In part 2, the Business of Instructing, you’ll learn David’s method to take your course and turn it into a business that gets you new students to teach and makes you money.

You’ll love this book because it tells you things about running a training business you won’t get in a class.

Available on Amazon as:

Paperback, Audible Audiobook, and as a Kindle Unlimited Title


New Instructor Survival GuideAlmost anyone can find a weekend certification course become a “certified instructor”.  However, this not prepare you to run a teaching business.

In New Instructor Survival Guide, Veteran instructor David Nash shares some of the  knowledge he has gained over 20 years teaching firearm and other courses.

This book is firearm instructors. However, the content can be applied to anyone in the business of teaching.

New Instructor Survival Guide contains two parts:

  • The Mechanics of Instruction for Adult Learners
  • The Business of Instructing.

Additionally, he runs his own training company and still teaches privately.  This book is the culmination of all those instructor courses and his own personal experience.

Author Note:

I wrote this under a pen name as I was unsure how my fellow academy instructors would take it, but later I decided to release it under my own name.

Over the years I have taken thousands of hours of T4T (Training for Training) classes.  I hold or have held certifications in Homeland Security, terrorism response, active shooter response, radiological safety, firearms, chemical agent, baton, defensive tactics, taser, simunitions, basic corrections, emergency management, and armed security to name a few.

Unfortunately, very few of these classes helped me figure out how to run a training business.  Moreover, to become successful I had to learn skills that I did not know I needed. Learning what I needed to do to run a business actually prompted me to write my first book Understanding the Use of Handguns for Self Defense as a basic class text.

In conclusion, this book is the culmination of all those instructor courses and my own personal experience.

Audiobook Introduction


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