One of my more vivid childhood memories is sitting around a campfire with my dad as I made a burned bowl using coals. This a fun way to make a useful item. Additionally, this technique has been used by natives to build much larger items. Things as large a log canoes were built this way. […]
Tag: burned
Kitchen DIY: How to Cook with Peppers without Getting Burned
In making hot sauces and other things that use hot peppers I am getting used to accidentally contaminating sensitive areas of my body with the oily resin that makes peppers burn. As a matter of fact in a couple of my videos you hear me warning my help not to rub their eyes after using […]
Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned
I was working on a similar essay, but when I read this yesterday morning I realized that Barry Snell said it very well, and rather than add one more voice to the discussion I would simply share his very articulate and well thought out argument. I only wish to add that as I read his […]