This project looks deceptively simple, but it is one that I had to try a couple times to get right. I only stuck with it because Nixtamalization is a vital process for people that use corn as a staple food. This is because the nutrient niacin is unavailable in unprocessed corn, and by cooking dried […]
Tag: corn
Homegrown Whole Grains
A backyard field of grains? Yes, absolutely! Homegrown Whole Grains are rapidly replacing grass in the yards of dedicated locavores across the country. For adventurous homeowners who want to get in on the movement, Homegrown Whole Grains is the place to begin. Growing whole grains is simpler and more rewarding than most people imagine. With […]
Corn Cob Jelly Recipe
This week’s project is one that I have seen on many internet sites and multiple canning and old school food preservation books. It took me a while to get around to trying it, but when I did I found that corn cob jelly tastes a lot like honey it made me wish I did this much sooner. […]
Recipe: Candy Corn Trail Mix (Tastes like a Payday Bar)
For being as big as I am, and for the amount of dessert posts I write here, you would think I am a candy junkie but besides a few things like Cheesecake and snickers I really don’t like sweets. However, I do like payday bars for quick energy when out working (I would prefer snickers, […]
Easiest Way to Make Corn on the Cob for a Crowd
I like grilling out, but I have a problem timing everything to be ready at the same time, and I tend to run out of eyes on the stove and space on the grill when trying to entertain. This means I am always looking for better ways of doing things (plus I just love […]