Be certain to check the firing pin protrusion using the screwdriver / protrusion tool found in the Mosin Nagant Cleaning kit. IMHO, if you do not have this tool, buying the entire cleaning kit is well worth the money. Some unscrupulous vendors have replica tools that are not to spec. Consequently, they do not accurately […]
Tag: Mosin Nagant
First Time Shooting a Mosin Nagant M91/30
The Mosin–Nagant M91/30 is a bolt-action, internal magazine military rifle, developed by the Imperial Russian Army in the late 1800s, and used by the armed forces of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and various other nations. I bought it because it is on the ATF’s Curio and Relic list, so I can buy […]
Mosin Nagant Cleaning Rod Tip
At a recent NRA instructor class we got into a Curio and Relic discussion on one of the breaks, and one of the students told me he found a solution to the short cleaning rods that come with the Mosin Nagant 91/30s. As always, I was open to learning how someone else did things, so […]