When I was growing up, I lived on a state park and spent all my free time in the woods. What time I didn’t spend in the woods was spent with my nose in a book.
I checked The Complete Walker III out from the local library so many times that I filled up several of the little glued in checkout cards.
This book is jammed full of great backpacking and walking tips. I love how he made some of his own equipment and shows how to both lighten your load as the hit on your wallet when buying gear.
If your a prepper, and want to build a bug out bag, then this is a very useful reference.
The Complete Walker III is not the newest edition, and that is a fine book also, but being older, this book is cheaper used, and I have an emotional attachment to it, as I did spend so many hours dreaming over it’s pages.
I have always wanted to hike the Appalachian trail, and this book fueled that dream. I can’t call it a goal, as I don’t have any plans to actually do it, but it would be something awesome to do.