TNTell's First Airsoft Gun with Safety Rules and 3 Step Draw

My son is asking to do more and more YouTube videos, If he thinks no one is around he will even narrate his own “videos” by acting like he is on camera. He has even talked his momma into taping him while I am work.  I am happy to support him trying to do something productive, and when I can bring gun safety into it its even better.

He has been asking to get his first airsoft gun and I told him that if he shows me he is responsible by helping around the house, learns his 4 fundamental gun safety rules, and can properly execute a three step draw I would let him have his own airsoft gun and the bb’s to go with.

When he said he was ready we taped him giving the rules and the draw.

He’s not perfect, but he is 6 and I am proud of the effort.  A few hours before he “helped” me mow by holding on to the mower and pushing with me.  It was much more effort on my part with the help, but I had to try not to laugh as everytime he pushed he went “vrrrrooom” under his breath.