William's War Club
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I took off of work to bond with my son – I guess men generally don’t take off of work as long as I did, but I had the time and really want to bond with my boy – I know he won’t remember any of this, but I will. Now, since I am off, I am doing a few things here and there that later, when Tell is older, I can show him that I was thinking about him.

This may seem a little strange, but one of my “projects” was to start on a war club for him. As a child I was very interested in Native American culture and handicraft. I remember reading about a custom of some tribes to tie an overhand know in a young tree, so that as the tree grows it turns into a knot perfect for the end of a war club. The idea was that is a father did this when his son was born, by the time his boy was ready to become a warrior, the tree was ready to be fashioned into his weapon. I clearly remember thinking, I wish my dad had the foresight to make me a war club, so…..

The video above shows the process of making William’s War Club, I doubt he will ever use it, heck – I pray he will never use it, but I bet we will think fondly of me as he looks at what I made for him when he was so young.

I spend a lot of time getting him things that he can use when he is older – I don’t think he will remember toys, but things like this and the lifetime hunting license I bought him at he second birthday will stay with him for life.
