The kind folks at Clarksville Guns and Archery have kindly donated this Hard Shoot Target for demonstration purposes. This is a unique target as it is a photo, with dye packs instead of scoring lines. You can hit this target over and over, but you are not successful until you hit the dye. I think […]
Year: 2012
Prepper Reality Radio Show
Through twitter I was introduced to some really cool guys that run a new Prepper Reality Radio Show. What is different about these guys is that their hosts specialize in particular topics so instead of having one host with a longer show that covers a lot of topics, they have shorter but more focused shows. […]
Functional And Affordable Upgrades For Your Shotgun
The following guest post shows some affordable upgrades for your shotgun. Everyone likes to have accessories and modify their shotgun in one way or another. Some people will never modify or upgrade the gun, but those same people will buy a precisely fit sling or unique protective case. Those that do upgrade will add any number […]
How to Build a Survival Squirrel Snare
Trapping gives much more meat per unit of energy expended than hunting does. Using snares is a passive activity; you can set several traps in multiple locations and check them once a day leaving you free to do other useful work while still gathering food. Hunting requires active attention; you cannot stalk a deer […]
Ethics at the Shelter Door
In the 50’s Time magazine published an article called Ethics at the Shelter Door. This article discussed bomb shelters and the ethics of letting your neighbors in, even if it meant your family would not have enough to survive. A friar named McHugh wrote a dissenting article. He explained how the Christian thing to do […]