I was working on a similar essay, but when I read this yesterday morning I realized that Barry Snell said it very well, and rather than add one more voice to the discussion I would simply share his very articulate and well thought out argument. I only wish to add that as I read his […]
Year: 2013
How They Killed A Nation Of Preppers
How They Killed A Nation Of Preppers – in a short word is the education system. From the video description This video does not mean “don’t get a job” or “don’t go to school”. It means you DON’T have to live like the Government Plantation Dwellers that surround you. Free yourself and then free your […]
PRN Episode #18 Top Bar Beekeeping for Preppers
Beekeeping can be as simple or complex, as expensive or inexpensive as you make it. It just depends on what your goals, budget, and willingness to work. In today’s show, David talks about the basics of top bar beekeeping. This is a simple method of keeping bees that only requires a bare minimum of gear. […]
Kitchen Tip: Tea Brewing Tip
This is a quick Tea Brewing Tip for sweet tea – it works particularly well with hard water, but we are on city water, and it made a huge difference in the quality of my favorite drink. I really like sweet tea, but due to the bitterness of the tannins it contains, I hate unsweet tea. […]
Homemade 48 Hour Crisco Candle
This Crisco Candle is a very simple trick to get a long lasting emergency light for very low cost. Simply take a tub of shortening, insert a natural fiber wick (I use cotton string) and light. As the shortening melts it is wicked up and burned. I have heard a tub of shortening can last […]