The Ultimate Guide to Pepper Spray

In this book, a seasoned correction academy instructor outlines how to confidently and effectively choose, use, carry and decontaminate pepper sprays.

This book contains vital footnoted sections on applicable US State laws, information on mindset, and how pepper spray strength in measured so you don’t mistakenly buy the cheap stuff.

Available on Amazon as:

Paperback, Audible Audiobook, and as a Kindle Unlimited Title


Nobody knows how to use pepper spray like corrections officers.

Ultimate Guide to Pepper SprayWith skill, command presence and a can of spray, a typical correction officer is outnumbered 128 felons to one.  In The Ultimate Guide to Pepper Spray, a seasoned correction academy instructor outlines how to confidently and effectively choose, use, carry and decontaminate pepper sprays.

The Ultimate Guide to Pepper Spray contains vital footnoted sections on applicable US State laws, information on mindset, and how pepper spray strength in measured so you don’t mistakenly buy the cheap stuff.

The Author, David Nash, is no publisher with a team of ghostwriters churning out crud. He is a long time use of force instructor and has certifications in law enforcement firearms, firearms instructor training, chemical agents, electronic restraints, specialty impact munitions, baton, and defensive tactics.

He has several traditionally published books before venturing into the eBook arena. This book presents easy to understand concepts that work under stress.

Author Note:

This was one of my first books, it came right after Understanding the Use of Handguns for Self Defense.  For a while the paperback version was extremely popular in Spain, which is why I had it translated to Spanish.

I have taught the use of OC sprays (Pepper Spray) for just at 20 years.  I have lost count of how many times I have been sprayed accidentally during a fight, or during training. It seems that if someone is not confident in the use of oleoresin capsicum they tend to spray everything around including themselves as much as they spray their attacker.

To give a little more information than just a description, I have added a couple of videos below.  My wife sprays me in the first video.  The others are about the book itself.

Pepper Spray For Self Defense – Explanation & Demonstration of How it Works

Book Review

Audiobook Introduction



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