No matter the size or scope of your construction project, debris and clutter are parts of the process. Naturally, cleanup is an essential step to keep things safe. Today, we’ve got a few tips for cleaning up a construction site you may want to keep in mind before your next big project gets underway. Preparing […]
Category: How To (How I Did)
You could call this a How To – but people often tell me I did it wrong – now to be fair you can’t really tell me I can’t do it that way, when the video shows I actually DID do it that way – so to cool down the hateraide – lets just call this HOW I DID
Kitchen Improvements You Can Make Yourself
The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the home, so it makes sense that we want it to be one of the best. But keeping a kitchen at its best can get expensive if you’re constantly hiring renovation crews. While some jobs require professionals, you can readily do other jobs yourself. Keep […]
How To Create a Home Shooting Range on Your Property
If you like to shoot guns, odds are you have been to a shooting range at some point. They are fun places to go where you can hone your skills while still getting the rush of adrenaline that comes with using a gun. However, sometimes you want to do that at your home. Here’s how […]
The Top 4 Reasons To Install a Fence on Your Property
Security gadgets are great and all, but real home security starts with your fencing. A fence is essential when you own any kind of property. It’s even part of the classic American Dream. Though this concept has changed throughout the years, the importance of safeguarding a piece of land stayed the same. Some homeowners are […]
Essential Heavy Equipment All Farmers Need
Over 80 percent of this country’s food supply comes from farms or ranches. In fact, the gross domestic product includes farming in its market value. Needless to say, we would not be living the life we are accustomed to if it wasn’t for our farmers. But what do they all need to fill our bellies […]