Store what you can use, and use what you store. I don’t buy books I won’t read, clothes I won’t wear, food I won’t eat, or Hip Hop music. I also don’t buy things I don’t know how to use. This is hard sometimes, as deals can be made and you can sometimes get […]
Category: Information
Prepper Precepts #18 My Plans are Generic as Possible
My plans are generic as possible. In the Emergency Management world that is called “all-Hazards” planning. I prep and plan for all hazards, and not specific events. How many people bought into the Y2K, and then let their food rot because they felt silly. My food storage is for when I cannot buy groceries. […]
Prepper Precepts #17 Charity is an Important Part of a Preparedness Plan
Charity is important, but charity is not enabling others to be lazy or rewarding bad behaviors. If you work hard, someone that refuses to work has no moral demand on your labor. However, I would have a hard time swallowing a meal if I refused to help a hungry child, widow, or a disabled […]
Prepper Precepts #16 Be Balanced in Your plan
Be balanced in your plan. All food no gun, makes you vulnerable to those with all gun and no food. It’s better to have a lower level of prep that is more versatile. You must cover water, food, shelter, defense, communications, and medical. You should not have an extremely high level of preparedness that […]
Prepper Precepts #15 Be Balanced in Your Life, as Well as In Your Preps
Be balanced in your life. You cannot be a superman 24-7-365. You have to take time to make connections with your family, to rest, to play. Sprinting is healthy in short duration, but prepping is a lifestyle not a race. (Easier said than done, I have the most problem with this one.) As I […]