How to Make Dakin's Solution DIY Antiseptic

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This post shows how to make Dakin’s Solution, which is a great homemade antiseptic.

Dakin’s solution is an antiseptic solution containing sodium hypochlorite (Common Household Bleach) and water. It was first developed during World War I to treat infected wounds.

Dakin’s solution is not the only antiseptic that can be made at home.  As there are several stronger germicidal solutions available, however many of these  contain either carbolic acid (phenol) or iodine to prevent infection. Which unfortunately means they either damage living cells or lose their potency in the presence of blood serum.

Dakin’s solution does not damage living cells; its solvent action on dead cells hastens the separation of dead from living tissue.

Dakin’s solution is easy to make, and is prepared by passing chlorine into a solution of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate.

Unfortunately, the solution is unstable and cannot be stored more than a few days.

It is used by periodical flooding of an entire wound surface with the solution.

As always, I am not a doctor, and you should research anything you find on line so you are assured of its use and the accuracy of the material presented.


• Keep out of the reach of children.
• Do not swallow it if used as a mouth wash,
• Do not use longer than one week.
• Obviously you should not use this solution if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
• Stop use of the solution if your condition worsens, or a rash or any other reaction develops.

Call Your Doctor If You Have:

• Pain or burning sensation
• Rash or itching
• Redness of skin
• Swelling, hives or blisters
• Signs or symptoms of wound infection


• Keep the solution stored at room temperature.
• Cover jar with aluminum foil to protect it from light.
• Be sure the jar lid is tight for storing.

Cleanliness is very important to this procedure, sterilize everything, and keep your hands clean. Remember the maxim: you cannot sterilize what is not clean


  • Sodium hypochlorite solution 5.25% (Clorox® or similar household bleach).  Be sure to purchase unscented bleach. Do not use ultra bleach products it is more concentrated and thicker.
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
  • Tap Water


  • Clean pan with lid
  • Sterile measuring cup and spoons
  • Sterile jar with sterile lid (see above)


  1. Measure out 32 ounces (4 cups) of tap water. Pour into the clean pan.
  2. Boil water for 15 minutes with the lid on the pan. Remove from heat.
  3. Using a sterile measuring spoon, add ½ teaspoonful of baking soda to the boiled water.
  4. Add Bleach per chart below to achieve differing strengths of solution.
  5. Place the solution in a sterile jar. Close it tightly with the sterile lid.
  6. Label the jar with the date and time you made the solution

Throw away any unused portion 48 hours after opening. Unopened jars can be stored for one month after you have prepared them

Strength of Solution is dependent on how much Bleach to water.

The following chart is for 32 oz. of water.


Full Strength



½ Strength ¼ Strength 1/8 Strength
Clorox 3 oz. 3 Tbsp + ½ tsp. 1 Tbsp + 2 tsp 2½ tsp


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