Just like street sense, hotel security involves common sense.
Never open the door until you know who’s knocking. If the person claims to be an employee, call the front desk to verify the stated name and purpose.
I expect that most of the readership of this site has a good handle on the common sense things to keep themselves safe, but just in case you want more information, or need talking points to help teach your loved ones, I have placed a few tips below:
- Leave an inside light on when you leave – especially if you’ll be returning late at night.
- Use only main entrances to the building late at night. Many hotels and motels lock side entrances after a certain hour as a precaution for your safety.
- Close and lock the door whenever you are in your room; use every locking device the door has.
- Check other ways in and out – are all the windows closed and locked?
- Never, even for a moment, leave room keys anywhere that they might be stolen or the number might be noted – like lying on a restaurant table or around the swimming pool. In fact, never give your room number to anyone but verified hotel/motel staff.
- Never display cash or wear expensive jewelry.
- Do not invite or allow strangers into your room.
- If you have valuables, have the front desk put them in the hotel/motel safe. If you must have them with you, at least keep them in your room – never in your car.
- If you see activity that looks suspicious, call the management and let them know what you’ve seen.