EDC Lists
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Having the best gear and greatest tools at home doesn’t help when you have an issue away from the house.  I am a huge believer in the idea that “the more you know the less you carry“, but even Macgyver carried a Swiss army knife, and Jack Bauer carried a phone.  Tools make things easier, but they have to be tools you can and will carry everyday.

The things that each person carries around in their pockets is personal, and it tells a lot about the person.  My everyday carry is small – I work at a prison so I don’t carry a gun, knife, or any other tool EVERYDAY.  I don’t even take in a wallet or rings when I go to work.  When I worked at TEMA, I carried a bunch of stuff.  My EDC changes as my life changes.    To make matters more complicated than just what you are willing and able to carry, an entire industry has been created to help with the EDC needs of the preparedness minded.

To help with this, I created this post of things I think are useful items to carry everyday.  This post is more of a catalog of things to think about rather than a list of things to buy.  I have owned a majority of the items below, and more than a few are sitting in the glovebox of my truck, because while I can’t carry them behind the walls of a prison, I sure can carry them to the parking lot.

Below is a collection of links to specific EDC lists I have posted on this site.  I planned to do one comprehensive list of great EDC ideas, but the post got to long so I split it up into functional areas: