My wife is very interested in figuring out a way to get me to eat healthy; apparently she wants me to be around for a while.
She figured out the novel approach that if she wanted to create a blog about healthy eating and start doing videos about it, then I would be more inclined to help her. I hate to admit it, but she is probably right.
Today’s video is her first video of an idea she found to make salads in mason jars.
I am not sure where my wife found this tidbit (I would guess either Facebook or Pinterest), but when she shared it with me I was excited.
My wife and I now make our lunches in bulk at the start of the week and store them in mason jars.
This helps with portion control, time management, and it keeps me eating my vegetables.
This is a pretty flexible way to get work lunches, but you need to beware of moisture.
What we have found is that if you layer your foods in the Mason jar according to moisture level and resistance to moisture you can get by with some creative ideas.
We start with the dressing, and then add things like chopped chicken, olives, and/or cherry tomatoes. We then add some cheese, then lettuce, and lastly any croutons.
These store easily in the fridge, are distinguishable in the break room fridge, and you can eat it directly from the jar.
However, I find that if you pack the jar full it can be heard to get a good mix of dressing and greens, but if you leave some room you can shake the jar and mix it up that way.
Like most things, I got an idea from somewhere and then took it farther, for the last couple of weeks I have been carrying one of these salad jars with a Mason jar of chili or other leftovers.
Score one for the wife.
Do me a favor and leave her some nice comments so she keeps positive about both her new videos and her struggle to get her family to east healthier…