How to Extract Nitrocellulose from Ping Pong Balls


How to Extract Nitrocellulose from Ping Pong Balls
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Ping pong balls are made of nitrocellulose, I am sure that many would like to create non-nitro based balls, but industry has never been able to create ping ping balls with the same bounce as the nitrocellulose based balls.

Now, while extracting nitrocellulose from ping pong balls is easy, the nitrocellulose is adulterated with camphor.  This turns the explosive potential of the balls down while making them more plastic.

Now, while I like to extract the nitrocellulose to make nitrocellulose lacquer for making e-matches (electric initiators) for my rockets, woodworkers have long used nitrocellulose lacquer for fine furniture and musical instruments.

How to Make Nitrocellulose Lacquer:

  • Ping pong balls, acetone, scissors, a wooden stir stick, and a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.
  • Simply cut up 4 or 5 balls, and cover them with twice as much acetone as you need to cover the balls.
  • Let sit overnight.

Additionally, I like to add in some double based (smokeless) gunpowder that I save from my mistakes while reloading.  It gives me a hotter flame for igniting my model rockets.  Additionally, it allows me to waste less powder when reloading.

So now you know how to extract nitrocellulose from Ping Pong Balls.  Its easier than editing actually, I just realized that for some time this said nitroglycerine.  I guess that was a Freudian slip, because it would be really neat to have a easy way to get nitroglycerin, but it would probably be illegal, and I would not want to break the law.

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