Firearm Manual DVD


This firearm manual DVD contains 3.55 Gigs of 1117 files including civilian manufacturer manuals, military technical and field weapon manuals, printable targets, blueprints, patent files, videos, and training PowerPoint presentations.


Firearm Training Manual DVDThis Firearm Manual DVD contains 3.55 Gigs of 1117 files including civilian manufacturer manuals, military technical and field weapon manuals, printable targets, blueprints, patent files, videos, and training Power Point presentations.
Insert the disk, and select the files from its listing – by subject and type. Easy to find material, and not a bunch of PDF files put in multiple folders.
Unlike other firearm compilation DVD’s from unscrupulous sources, our files are not a mismatch of files containing pirated and duplicate material.
The DVD is organized by subject. It also contains original material written by our chief firearm instructor.

Feel free to use the included email to ask firearm related questions. Much of this disk is manufacturer manuals of various firearms.  Lastly, as an instructor I have found having user manuals around is helpful. You never know what kind of firearm a student may bring to class.

This  DVD is similar to the Alternative Energy DVD and the Military Manual DVD in format, but the files are completely different.

If you want more information (including a list of files included) check out the review at Tennessee Gun.

The Firearm Manual DVD is for PC computers only.  It will not work on Apple Computers running OSX.

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