Travis Tomasie World’s Fastest Reload

Travis Tomasie World's Fastest Reload
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Travis Tomasie is a member of the Army Marksmanship Unit, he gets to spend his days practicing, competing, and teaching firearm usage.  He was not born with the skill to throw a magazine into a handgun with amazing speed and accuracy – he earned his ability through lots of practice.  If you want the world’s fastest reload then you need to get up off the computer grab an unloaded handgun and some magazines – stand over your bed (so the magazines can fall to an place you can quickly pick them up) and practice practice practice.

If you want to beat Travis Tomasie on the world’s fastest reload it is simple:

When your hands get tired – keep practicing

When you wife (or husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, momma, father, dog, best friend) gets frustrated at the time you spend – keep practicing

When you feel the urge to stop – keep practicing

If you practice perfect form, start slow, stay smooth, and speed up only when your skill increases you WILL get this fast.

Having a fast reload is not rocket science, it is pure muscle memory that you earn by doing.  No one can give you this skill, it can’t be taught or bought.  Good coaches can help but you have to earn speed by long hours of going slow and getting it right.

Clint Smith on Firearm Safety


Clint Smith on Firearm Safety
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Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms.  He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.

I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches.  When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.

I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos.  Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos.  (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)

It Is a Lifestyle

Knowing the firearm safety rules is essential for the anyone involved with firearms.  This can be a subject that is dry and unexciting because it is covered so often.  I sometimes wish it stays dry and unexciting because that means there are no negligent discharges.  However, Clint Smith can talk about firearm safety in a manner that is both informative and interesting.

It is my hope that at some point in the future my instructional ability grows to the point that Clint Smith has reached.  I love his wit and the very descriptive way he illuminates a subject.

Clint Smith Defensive Shotgun


Clint Smith Defensive Shotgun
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Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms.  He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.

I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches.  When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.

I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos.  Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos.  (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)

This particular video discusses the often misunderstood Defensive Shotgun.  I enjoyed watching it, and I learned some new ways to share information with others.  It is worth the time to watch.

Clint Smith Loading From Empty


Clint Smith Loading From Empty
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This particular video shows how to go about loading from empty.  It is different than performing a tactical load, and is a vital skill every defensive gunner should know.  I enjoyed watching it, and I learned some new ways to share information with others.  It is worth the time to watch.

I like how as Clint Smith shows the process of loading from empty he discusses all the the fancy gamesmen aspects of tactical reloads and such.  To me, its simple learn to load fast and when the gun is empty fill it back up.

Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms.  He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.

I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches.  When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.

I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos.  Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos.  (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)

Clint Smith Tactical Load


Clint Smith Tactical Load
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Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms.  He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.

I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches.  When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.

I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos.  Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos.  (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)

This particular video discusses the often misunderstood “Tactical Load”.  I enjoyed watching it, and I learned some new ways to share information with others.  It is worth the time to watch.

I love watching Clint Smith and I believe that you can also learn from the information provided by him.  I try to emulate his style when appropriate, and over the years, the information I have learned from him has definitely improved my skills as a shooter and a instructor.

There is alot of shooting information on the internet, and you normally get what you pay for.  Clint Smith produces some valuable content.