This is a quick Tea Brewing Tip for sweet tea – it works particularly well with hard water, but we are on city water, and it made a huge difference in the quality of my favorite drink. I really like sweet tea, but due to the bitterness of the tannins it contains, I hate unsweet tea. […]
Category: Cooking & Food Storage
Various articles on food storage, food preparedness, cooking, and general kitchen stuff
How to Make Homemade Chicken Bacon
Yesterday we showed how easy it is to make bacon – we do it at our house every chance I get – but to be honest finding good quality pork belly can be difficult at times so I am always on the lookout for alternatives. We tried rabbit bacon and found it to be […]
Distilling Urine In a Survival Still
I know that showing how the survival still works on distilling urine may seem like a kind of a gross post – but I think it really showcases the capability of the Survival Still and water distillation versus filtering. Obviously, the volume of urine produced is going to yield less distilled water than a […]
Easiest Way to Make Corn on the Cob for a Crowd
I like grilling out, but I have a problem timing everything to be ready at the same time, and I tend to run out of eyes on the stove and space on the grill when trying to entertain. This means I am always looking for better ways of doing things (plus I just love […]
How to Make a Zeer Pot
Today’s project on how to make a zeer pot is something I wanted to do for some time, it is a cheap way of providing some level of refrigeration in very hot climates. It is also an example of how preppers can learn from appropriate technology supporters as well as missionaries to third world countries. […]