Contact shooting is just what it sounds like. Putting the muzzle of the weapon in contact with the target and shooting it. This is done when you absolutely cannot afford to miss. An example of this would be your spouse or child being attacked and they are wrestling on the ground. Traditional aiming would be […]
Category: Self Defense | Tactical
Is the Bow an Effective Self-Defense Weapon for Self Defense?
This is a guest post, I don’t agree that a bow is anywhere close to being the most effective self defense weapon, but in the spirit that people who don’t/can’t own firearms still need self defense tools I am posting it. Besides I still get comments on my video discussing why I don’t like the […]
5 Self-Defense Moves that Anyone Can Learn
Though we do believe that proper martial arts training is the best way to learn an arsenal of effective self-defense moves, there are some basic moves that you can easily learn without having to spend years of training. On this post, the team at is sharing 5 self-defense moves that anyone can learn and […]
Tueller Drill Test
You can’t be a serious practitioner of armed self defense if you don’t understand the legal and moral implications of lethal force. One tool used to discuss such things is a concept called the Tueller Test. Today we are going to talk a little about lethal force and handgun deployment. Over the course of this […]
Clint Smith on Defensive Firearms Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms. He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993. Since I Graduated high school in 1993 I readily admit that he has probably forgot more about defensive firearms use than I know. And that’s […]