In the video above I will show how you can easily connect your iphone to TV for under $15. All you need is the cable, an iPhone, and a TV with a USB and HDMI port. All you need is a cable It is really simple actually. Once I learned that you could do […]
Category: How To (How I Did)
You could call this a How To – but people often tell me I did it wrong – now to be fair you can’t really tell me I can’t do it that way, when the video shows I actually DID do it that way – so to cool down the hateraide – lets just call this HOW I DID
Easy and Cheap Ways to Improve Your Home Security
With so many burglaries these days, it is a smart idea to take some precautions in order to keep your home safe. Security systems have come a long way and modern ones can be very advanced and provide your home with pretty strong security. However, they can be very expensive as well. Even though you […]
5 Maintenance Tips for Common Household Appliances
Did your household appliance just whirl, sputter, and boom give up on you? No matter how hard you stare it down, you know that it is not coming back to life. It’s farewell time for this device and a welcome party for another to replace it. But, hang on, what about the bucks? New appliances […]
5 Ways to Make a Snare Trap (For Small Game)
Whether you are in a survival situation or catching food while you camp, knowing how to make a snare trap can go a long way in helping you out. Fortunately, there isn’t just one snare trap – there are many different kinds that help in different situations. having the right tools tools will make buiklding […]
5 Electrical Problems to Keep an Eye out for When Buying an Old Home
If you are considering buying an old house, then you need to think about the electrical problems that you may be purchasing. Modern Americans as used to using reliable electricity. However, many homes constructed a long time ago had less reliable electricity. If you are considering buying an old home, inspect it for the common […]