The Mobile Home Demolition was not as hard as I thought it would be, of course it was messy, tiring, and seemingly never ending. Once we figured out a system the process went much faster. First we used the backhoe to smash down the walls, and then used the truck and a chain to pull […]
Category: How To (How I Did)
You could call this a How To – but people often tell me I did it wrong – now to be fair you can’t really tell me I can’t do it that way, when the video shows I actually DID do it that way – so to cool down the hateraide – lets just call this HOW I DID
Tips For Non-Carpenters on How to Build Your Own
I am not a carpenter by profession. However, I have a strong desire for the carpentry work. I have a passion for the woodwork. You cannot deny the fact that carpentry is a significant job and almost all the home needs it for some or other reason. Actually, it beautifies your home interior and brings […]
How to Build a Paracord Carabineer Spool
This Paracord Carabineer Spool project that is very useful for outdoors-men of all types. It is just an way of carrying cordage in a way that is easily accessible. If you can get a section of PVC pipe around a carabiner (more on this latter) and zigzag spool 550 or tethering cord around it, you […]
How to Attach Beams to the Corners of Shipping Containers
As I have talked about earlier I have a thief problem at the land. In this post I am Attaching Beams to Shipping Container Corners so I can add a palisade style gate between the two boxes so I can fence the area between them in. Since I have 2 40 foot boxes, and […]