Surgical Speed Shooting helps you learn the secrets of shooting a handgun quickly and accurately under the extreme stress of a gunfight. These cutting-edge techniques for managing recoil in rapid fire, high-speed trigger control and more are used by today’s hostage rescue teams and competitive grandmasters. Andy Stanford is a well known firearm instructor, and […]
Tag: shooting
How Shooting Stance Impacts Recoil Control
I love firearm training, especially instructor courses. When running an instructor course I get to meet the best kind of people – smart, dedicated, and proficient shooters. Not only is it great fun, but I get to talk with people with all sorts of backgrounds. I learned about the 300 blackout on a break […]
Contour Camera Review
I recently purchased a contour +2 action camera to use in my video production. I bought it because it was small, durable, had an external mic jack, streamed wireless to my phone, was water proof, and had a built in GPS. So it only figures that I would do a post on a Contour Camera […]
PRN Episode #5 What to Do After a Shooting
In this episode David talks about What to Do After a Shooting. Its easy to learn how to shoot. However, it is harder to learn when to shoot. Even more so what to do after. Because that is not always addressed in some classes. There are two schools of thought when dealing with the police, […]