Spending time outdoors is very therapeutic. The fresh air and the sight of natural vegetation will help you relax and forget some of your troubles. Life can get quite difficult and if you don’t find a good activity to blow off some steam, you may lose it all or even run mad. Camping is one […]
Category: Camping
Backpacking Guide for Digital Nomads
Packing light may seem like a strenuous task, but there is no rocket science to it. Whether you plan on backpacking for a weeklong vacation, or for something extraordinary, packing light is key to having a successful trip. If you decide to travel light, you will benefit in more ways than you can possibly imagine. […]
Camping Hacks, Tips, and Tricks
Camping is an awesome outdoor activities and it has its own unmatched fun and excitement. Like every other thing, camping can be made more efficient, fun and frolicsome with some really valuable Camping hacks, tips, and tricks. Here are 7 camping tips. Test Your Gear- The gear you bought last year or probably a couple […]
4 Prepping Skills You Master after Years of Camping
Enjoying the great outdoors by yourself or together with your friends and family is an amazing experience. There is something immensely freeing about sleeping under the open skies and waking up with the smell of fresh, untamed morning air filling your nostrils. However, this experience isn’t one without its challenges. What You Need to Know […]
Easy solutions for common camping problems
Minor issues may seem important when you are isolated and unprepared at your campsite. In collaboration with Smores and Snores you should be prepared for any malfunctions related to camping with the tips and tricks below. My gas stove does not turn on Make sure the gas supply is intact When your camping stove does not turn, you […]